Thursday 10 July 2014

Home made Miracle Serum (1)

 Hello my Friends, I bumped into this awesome recipe over the internet, it's an eye serum but I must admit I used it all over the face and body after shower. When I saw all the ingredients put together I HAD TO MAKE IT! But I modified it a bit... So I ordered all the oils from Ebay, a roller bottle and it came out a total of about 20£. I know, I know a bit too much but the good news is you can make it 6 times. So what you need is:
- TAMANU OIL: Often used to treat burns, insect bites and stretch marks
- VITAMIN E OIL: Nourishing, moisturizing and may decrease wrinkles. Often used to heal scars.
- GRAPEFUIT SEED EXTRACT (GSE): Used as an antioxidant to help prevent rancidity in oils.
- MEADOWFOAM OIL: Contains 98% long-chain fatty acids making this oil moisturizing and rejuvenating.
- AVOCADO OIL: Contains natural vitamins B1, B2, and A.
- CARROT SEED ESSENTIAL OIL: Simply the best oil for pampering of more mature skin types. This essential oil works by stimulating red blood cells which improves appearances by adding elasticity and tone to skin.

1 ml Tamanu Oil
1 ml Vitamin E Oil
1 ml Grapefruit Seed Extract
1 ml Meadowfoam Oil
2 ml Avocado Oil
2 ml Carrot Seed Essential Oil
1 Roller Bottle

Using a plastic dropper (pipette), add all of the ingredients into the plastic roller bottle.Add the roller bottle cap and black cap and shake the oils together.The Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is super thick so it will settle at the bottom of the container. You’ll need to shake the bottle before each use. The oils will turn slightly cloudy after shaking, which is perfectly normal.

Friday 4 July 2014

Home made Ice Cream

If it rains in Minehead that doesn't mean we can't enjoy summer, and when we say summer we say ICE-CREAM
For this recipe I was thinking to use a nectarine and pineapple but since I had a little banana sitting there all alone I thought I add it as well. So for my home made ice cream recipe you will need:

- 1 glass coconut milk (250ml)
- 1 nectarine
- 1 banana
- 1 thick slice of pineapple
- 1 tsp vanilla essence

Wash the fruits, roughly cut them into chunks put them all in the blender, add the milk and the vanilla essence, blend for a minute or two. If you don't have a blender just like I happen not to have one for the moment just put everything in a jug and use the hand mixer.
Pour the smoothie into the ice cream moulds and off they go in the freezer for few hours. From these ingredients I made 6 ice-creams and still had some left, poured it into a plastic bowl, about half of bowl which I put as well in the freezer to be eaten with a teaspoon. So I would say you can get about 10 ice creams from this. Enjoy:)

Monday 26 May 2014

Daily Juicing

Because I was reminded how important juicing is, I remembered I have a few sheets through my's one

Wednesday 21 May 2014

DYI Rainbow Roses

Awesome idea of how to colour your living room table by making rainbow roses using only white roses and food coloring. Get as many white roses as you want for this DIY project and of course your favourite colors, cut the rose's stalk in 2-3 even 4 if you choose for more colors, and about half way up as shown in the picture so the stalks flex properly and a big part of them goes in the water. Fill the glasses with water add few drops of food coloring, different in each glass ( the color of the petals will be stronger if you add a bit more drops) put the stalks in and it will be done in couple of days:)

Awesome salty snacks

This is what my Mom used to do as a snack when I was little and not only it is very simple but you get LOADS  for the entire family or maybe for days, because they last really good. I made it for Easter and not only we had enough for our guests but also left with loads for days. From these ingredients listed below  it came out about 8 trays, normal oven trays.
- 500-800gr all purpose flour
- 100gr butter
- 100gr goose fat
- 100ml milk
- 2 egg
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 7gr dried yeast ( one sachet)
- 2 egg yolks for greasing + 4tbsp milk
- 100gr  yogurt
- cumin seeds 
- OPTIONAL grated cheddar cheese

We start by melting down the butter and the goose fat then let them cool down. Get a big bowl in which we put the melted butter+goose fat, whisked eggs, yogurt and grated cheese. We mix all them together and start by adding flour, bit by bit till we get like 500-600gr in. Now this is the tricky part, the dough has to have the consistency of  plasticine so it might be needed more flour. Do not make it too hard though, cause we will use some flour as well when we roll it on the table and it might end up too hard, won't cook properly and be hard as a rock.We let the dough to sit in the bowl for an hour and cover it with cling film. After an hour we take it out, divide it into 4 pieces, take each piece, sprinkle flour on the clean table surface and roll the dough with a rolling pin till we get a flat sheet of about 5 mm tall. Now again it is up to you, if you like you can make it flatter and the snacks will end up dryer and crispier or taller and they will be softer. I made the flatter ones. So, after rolling it good on the table get a sharp knife or pizza roll knife and cut the dough in a rectangular shape like in the picture, then  in half  and one by one cut about 1-2cm wide pieces. Whisk the 2 egg yolks with the  4tbsp of milk then with a silicone brush grease them, sprinkle the cumin seeds and optional the grated cheese. Place a baking paper on the tray and place each snack next to each other till the tray is full. I know, I know this it's a bit of a pain but once you got it will go on smoothly. Preheat the oven 200C and bake them for about 15-20 min or till they get a nice golden colour. While a tray is in the oven you have time to prepare the next one. Don't forget to sprinkle flour on the table before rolling, also use some flour on top of the dough and the rolling pin. Enjoy :)

Jillian Michaels - Ripped in 30 (week 2)

Saturday 10 May 2014

Workout motivation

White fresh juice

I hope you did your shopping for this weekend and I am just in luck to inspire you with a nice healthy fresh white juice. White is for your immune system and from this category you can juice: bananas, mashrooms, onions/shallots, parsnip, turnip, pears, garlic, cauliflower, artichoke. Unfortunately is not a big category but you still can have a hell of a juice. Enjoy:)

Thursday 8 May 2014

We need...

Because we need colour, because we need books in our lives, we need stories and music.

Be happy!

5 months ago I had a C-section to have my baby, 3 months ago I started with a 3 mile walk and 30min exercise and so on till I built up more and more. To be honest with you I'm not dieting, I'm eating real food not food-like products, and I'm not exercising because I wanna be slim and look beautiful ( I'm waaaay past that age) I'm exercising because I wanna be healthy and fit. I've been inspired by many people and that turned into motivation which again turned into habit. A habit of reaching my hand to pick up an apple instead of bag of chips, a habit of exercising 30-40 min a day to release energy, a habit just as brushing your teeth. We all should have this habit of taking care of our bodies inside and not only on the outside because is healthier and actually cheaper. It's cheaper to walk,it's cheaper to have a satisfied stomach (junk food besides the fact is expensive will never keep the hunger and cravings away), to exercise in your own living room is actually free (the internet is full of free online videos). Where is a will is a way, and I've been tought that postponing is the exact recipe for failure. I do hope, this, along with milions of other examples is inspiring for you and I wish you good luck in your journey!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tuna salad with Cous-Cous

While the chocolate cake is cooling down in the fridge, safely secured from my husband's eyes, I made a tuna salad for lunch:
- 1 tin tuna in brine
- 2 handfuls of corn
- 2 handfuls of cous-cous
- 1/4 bunch of parsley
- 1 spring onion
- juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt and pepper.
Place in a bowl the cous-cous to soak as instructed on the pack. In the meantime get a big bowl to place all the ingredients. Open the tin and drain the water then put the tuna in the bowl, add the corn, sliced onion, diced parsley, oil, lemon, salt and pepper. In the end when the cous-cous is done and cooled a bit, add it on top of everything and give it a good stir. Bon appetit! 

Vitamin Water

I know it sound like a DIY project but really....DO IT YOURSELF instead of drinking any juice better have a nice healthy flavored water, made with actual fruits, and if you really crave for that sweet taste just add a teaspoon of honey and there you have it....refreshing, tasty and healthy:)

Exercises after Easter

Gooood morning my dearest ones, let's see what can we do today after those eggs we ate on Easter, especially the chocolate eggs which are now around our waist lines. Well I suggest to hold a plank position and add some crunches to our daily routine:

Thursday 17 April 2014

Quinoa Muffins

 Quinoa Muffins Appetizer
- 50g tricolor quinoa
- 3 eggs
- 120g grated zucchini
- 110g mozzarella
- 80g ham
- 3tbs Parmesan
- 2 spring onions
- 1/2 bunch of dill
- 1/2tsp curry
- salt and pepper
We start by washing the quinoa very very good otherwise it'll get bitter then we put it to boil with twice as much water. It boils in about 15 min or we leave it till the entire water evaporates, when it's done leave it aside for another 10 min to cool down.
In a bowl mix the eggs. chopped dill, grated zucchini, mozzarella, diced ham, chopped onions, curry, salt and the pepper. At the end add the cooled quinoa and mix all together. Grease a muffin tray with olive oil and add the mixture with a spoon. Preheat the oven at 180C and bake for 25-30 min. I liked them a lot with some olives and fresh cucumber. Enjoy:)

Saturday 12 April 2014

Cool idea of preserving greens

 I discovered two great ideas how to preserve greens using only an ice-tray and olive oil, and I must tell you I'm really happy about it because is way better than putting them in a bag, seal it and keep it in the freezer....somehow mine went mushy in a bag in a very short time. So I have here two options:
1. First option is what I did with my greens. I wanted to have in my freezer Dill, Parsly, Rosemary, Chives and Basil. I took about 2 bunches of each put it in the food processor added 2 tbsp of Olive Oil, processed for about 1-2 min. and then put it in a tray with a teaspoon. With a black marker I wrote the initial letter of the green on each column. For example in this picture C (chives) and B (basil).
2. The second option is easier because it doesn't use a food processor so no processing and cleaning after. Only the leaves are removed from the stalks, placed in the tray, add Olive Oil to cover them up and there you have it, ready to go in the freezer.
To be honest I choose the first one because it uses less oil and because I like to add these at the end of my cooking or when I make sauces, so chopped greens are for me a better option and also they worked just fine when I made a roast dinner. Another reason is that I use the stalks as well on my cooking because they are as healthy and flavored as the leaves.:)

Yellow fresh Juice

Good morning's juice I like to share with you is a yellow one. Yellow stands for beauty. As you are used by now, anything yellow you have in you kitchen, wash it and throw it in the juicer: apples, pears, pineapple, honey melon, butternut squash, yellow peppers, corn, yellow potatoes, yellow tomatoes, apricots, yellow figs and beets, lemon. Enjoy:)

Good morning

"Love Tunnel" - Caras Severin County, ROMANIA