Wednesday 21 May 2014

Awesome salty snacks

This is what my Mom used to do as a snack when I was little and not only it is very simple but you get LOADS  for the entire family or maybe for days, because they last really good. I made it for Easter and not only we had enough for our guests but also left with loads for days. From these ingredients listed below  it came out about 8 trays, normal oven trays.
- 500-800gr all purpose flour
- 100gr butter
- 100gr goose fat
- 100ml milk
- 2 egg
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 7gr dried yeast ( one sachet)
- 2 egg yolks for greasing + 4tbsp milk
- 100gr  yogurt
- cumin seeds 
- OPTIONAL grated cheddar cheese

We start by melting down the butter and the goose fat then let them cool down. Get a big bowl in which we put the melted butter+goose fat, whisked eggs, yogurt and grated cheese. We mix all them together and start by adding flour, bit by bit till we get like 500-600gr in. Now this is the tricky part, the dough has to have the consistency of  plasticine so it might be needed more flour. Do not make it too hard though, cause we will use some flour as well when we roll it on the table and it might end up too hard, won't cook properly and be hard as a rock.We let the dough to sit in the bowl for an hour and cover it with cling film. After an hour we take it out, divide it into 4 pieces, take each piece, sprinkle flour on the clean table surface and roll the dough with a rolling pin till we get a flat sheet of about 5 mm tall. Now again it is up to you, if you like you can make it flatter and the snacks will end up dryer and crispier or taller and they will be softer. I made the flatter ones. So, after rolling it good on the table get a sharp knife or pizza roll knife and cut the dough in a rectangular shape like in the picture, then  in half  and one by one cut about 1-2cm wide pieces. Whisk the 2 egg yolks with the  4tbsp of milk then with a silicone brush grease them, sprinkle the cumin seeds and optional the grated cheese. Place a baking paper on the tray and place each snack next to each other till the tray is full. I know, I know this it's a bit of a pain but once you got it will go on smoothly. Preheat the oven 200C and bake them for about 15-20 min or till they get a nice golden colour. While a tray is in the oven you have time to prepare the next one. Don't forget to sprinkle flour on the table before rolling, also use some flour on top of the dough and the rolling pin. Enjoy :)

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