Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tuna salad with Cous-Cous

While the chocolate cake is cooling down in the fridge, safely secured from my husband's eyes, I made a tuna salad for lunch:
- 1 tin tuna in brine
- 2 handfuls of corn
- 2 handfuls of cous-cous
- 1/4 bunch of parsley
- 1 spring onion
- juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt and pepper.
Place in a bowl the cous-cous to soak as instructed on the pack. In the meantime get a big bowl to place all the ingredients. Open the tin and drain the water then put the tuna in the bowl, add the corn, sliced onion, diced parsley, oil, lemon, salt and pepper. In the end when the cous-cous is done and cooled a bit, add it on top of everything and give it a good stir. Bon appetit! 

Vitamin Water

I know it sound like a DIY project but really....DO IT YOURSELF instead of drinking any juice better have a nice healthy flavored water, made with actual fruits, and if you really crave for that sweet taste just add a teaspoon of honey and there you have it....refreshing, tasty and healthy:)

Exercises after Easter

Gooood morning my dearest ones, let's see what can we do today after those eggs we ate on Easter, especially the chocolate eggs which are now around our waist lines. Well I suggest to hold a plank position and add some crunches to our daily routine:

Thursday 17 April 2014

Quinoa Muffins

 Quinoa Muffins Appetizer
- 50g tricolor quinoa
- 3 eggs
- 120g grated zucchini
- 110g mozzarella
- 80g ham
- 3tbs Parmesan
- 2 spring onions
- 1/2 bunch of dill
- 1/2tsp curry
- salt and pepper
We start by washing the quinoa very very good otherwise it'll get bitter then we put it to boil with twice as much water. It boils in about 15 min or we leave it till the entire water evaporates, when it's done leave it aside for another 10 min to cool down.
In a bowl mix the eggs. chopped dill, grated zucchini, mozzarella, diced ham, chopped onions, curry, salt and the pepper. At the end add the cooled quinoa and mix all together. Grease a muffin tray with olive oil and add the mixture with a spoon. Preheat the oven at 180C and bake for 25-30 min. I liked them a lot with some olives and fresh cucumber. Enjoy:)

Saturday 12 April 2014

Cool idea of preserving greens

 I discovered two great ideas how to preserve greens using only an ice-tray and olive oil, and I must tell you I'm really happy about it because is way better than putting them in a bag, seal it and keep it in the freezer....somehow mine went mushy in a bag in a very short time. So I have here two options:
1. First option is what I did with my greens. I wanted to have in my freezer Dill, Parsly, Rosemary, Chives and Basil. I took about 2 bunches of each put it in the food processor added 2 tbsp of Olive Oil, processed for about 1-2 min. and then put it in a tray with a teaspoon. With a black marker I wrote the initial letter of the green on each column. For example in this picture C (chives) and B (basil).
2. The second option is easier because it doesn't use a food processor so no processing and cleaning after. Only the leaves are removed from the stalks, placed in the tray, add Olive Oil to cover them up and there you have it, ready to go in the freezer.
To be honest I choose the first one because it uses less oil and because I like to add these at the end of my cooking or when I make sauces, so chopped greens are for me a better option and also they worked just fine when I made a roast dinner. Another reason is that I use the stalks as well on my cooking because they are as healthy and flavored as the leaves.:)

Yellow fresh Juice

Good morning everyone...today's juice I like to share with you is a yellow one. Yellow stands for beauty. As you are used by now, anything yellow you have in you kitchen, wash it and throw it in the juicer: apples, pears, pineapple, honey melon, butternut squash, yellow peppers, corn, yellow potatoes, yellow tomatoes, apricots, yellow figs and beets, lemon. Enjoy:)

Good morning

"Love Tunnel" - Caras Severin County, ROMANIA


Sunday 6 April 2014

Einstein Quote

Best Chicken Wraps

Home made  (4 wraps)
- 1 big chicken breast
- 1/2 lettuce salad
- 1/4 cabbage
- 1/2 onion
- 1/2 bunch of fresh parsley
- 1 gherkin (optional)
- 1 big potato or 2 smaller
- 6 tbsp of mayonnaise
- 2-3 cloves of garlic (depending on how strong you want it)
- ketchup (optional)
- 4 tortilla wraps.
Before you start, arrange enough bowls to put the ingredients separate in each one of them, it will make things easier.Cut the chicken breast in thin slices, spicy it then fry it. Cut the potatoes and fry them (french fries) then take them out on a paper towl to abssorb some of the oil.Slice the lettuce and put it in a bowl, slice the onion and mix it with the chopped parsley in a different bowl. Finely cut the cabbage and rub it in your hands with a bit of salt to soften. Also slice the gerkin in thin pieces. Mix the mayo with crushed garlic in a different bowl and add a bit of salt and pepper. When all ingredients are done and put in bowls, get ready to make the wraps. Take a wrap and spread mayo on it, add few pieces of chicken, few of fries, lettuce, onion and parsly, gerkin, cabbage and on top a bit of ketchup. Roll it up and prepare for the fun part.....eat it up! :D  Enjoy

Friday 4 April 2014


Jillian Michaels - Ripped in 30 (week 1)

Love this routine and it's only 35min. :)

Purple fresh juice

Purple juice is for Longevity. Again I don't have a recipe as you well know by now, just juice out any purple fruits or veggies you have I the fridge. In this purple category goes: grapes, cabbage, blueberries, blackberries, plums, purple tomato or carrot, onion, pomegranate, beetroot.

Baked Doughnuts

A healthier and easier option to fried doughnuts
- 100gr sugar
- 1 egg
- 70gr melted butter
- 150ml milk
- 180gr all purpose flour
- 1tsp baking powder
- zest from 1/2 lemon
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 1 tsp cinnamon
Melt the butter and cool it down. In a bowl whisk with the mixer the egg and sugar till it becomes a white mousse. Add the milk and in the end add the flour mixed with baking powder, the nutmeg and the lemon zest. Grease with butter a tray of muffins then powder some flower and fill only 2/3 of the holes. Pre-heat the oven and cook them for 20min. at 190C. In a separate bowl mix a bit of sugar (about 1-2 tbsp) with the cinnamon. Take the muffins out when they are done, and let them aside for 5 min. then take them out of the tray.Melt a tbsp of butter, take one doughnut at a time and roll it through the melted butter then through the flavored sugar. And voila: fluffy, aromatic baked doughnuts....a healthier and easier option for the fried ones. Enjoy:)

Cleaning the Fruits

Wednesday 2 April 2014

40 Minute Full Body Workout


The benefits of Green Tea & Lemon

17 Benefits of Green tea and Lemon:
- fights cancer
- lowers cholesterol
- prevents cavities
- protects against heart disease
- speeds metabolism
- prevents diabetes
- antiviral agent
- maintains a healthy circulatory system
- strengthens tooth enamel
- reduces plaque and mouth bacteria
- prevents dementia
- full of antioxidants
- prevents food poisoning
- gives healthy skin
- prevents bad breath
- detoxifies
- excellent replacement for coffee

Magical de-bloat drink

Magical de-bloat drink:
- 1/2 tbsp turmeric
- 1/2 tbsp grater ginger
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- lemon juice from 4-5 lemons
- honey
- 32 oz. of water.
First boil the water and let it aside. In a jug add the spices, lemon juice and ginger...once the water cooled a bit pour it into the jug. Give the mixture a good stir and add honey to sweeten up a bit.Sip on throughout the day or after meal. I usually use tequilla shot glasses and have 1-2 of this drink after I eat. This jug will last for about 5-7 day. If you want it less, cut down the proportions and if you want a stronger taste use 1tbsp instead of 1/2tbsp...no matter what you do, just give it a try, it really is magical. :)

Crunch it!

Home made air freshener

Home made air freshener:
- food coloring of your choice
- essential oils of your choice
- heat- proof jars
- 4 sachets of unflavored gelatin
- 2 cups of water
- 1tbsp of salt (prevents the gel from molding).
Into each jar drop 2-3 drops of food coloring and about 30 drops of essential oils, if you want it stronger smell add more drops. Get one cup of water boiling on the stove. When it begins to boil, whisk the gelatin and the salt, stirring until all is dissolved. Then poor the other cup of cold water, stirring till all is dissolved. Quickly pour the hot gelatin mixture in each of your jars, and then use a disposable stick or spoon to stir it into the oil and food coloring. Let these over night and then, there you have it, your very own home made air freshener

5 benefits of drinking water in the morning

Mini Omlette Surprise

Mini Omelette Surprise for breakfast or brunch (2 portions):

- 4-5 eggs
- 1/4 red bell pepper
- 3-4 mashrooms
- cheese
- pinch of salt and pepper
In a bowl mix the eggs really well with a fork and add the salt and the pepper. Cut the bell pepper and the mashrooms in small cubes and put them in 4 of the muffin tray holes then add the whisked eggs and fill the whole tray. At the last two add the grated cheese on top and stick it in the oven at 200C for 10-12 min or till you see the omelette is properly done. Enjoy :)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Dalai Lama's Instructions for Life

Best and cheapest scrub ever

The best and cheapest body scrub
- coconut/olive/baby oil
- coffee grounds
- shower gel
- shea butter/ body lotion
There are multiple ways of preparing this body scrub, you can even add brown sugar or ground cardamom...but if you are mixing it with olive oil to nourish your skin more, is better to use it 10 min before the shower.
Because i have a normal type of skin i use it even easier than this: i take a big amount of coffee grounds in my hand and just mix it with shower gel, i scrub myself very energic (In the tub) for about 3-4 min on each body part ( you can use it on the face aswell) then i clear with lots of water.
The exfoliation is great,the skin is amazingly soft and smooth, coffee is good for the skin and against cellulite (as many creams contain coffee,yet this is coffee grounds so more natural and healthier).
After shower and drying up, use some shea butter or body lotion for extra moisturising...you will feel like heaven :)